Yep...I still stink at blogging. Sure do. I am really going to try and be better about it. I mean it this time.....really.
Alex is the most amazing little seems as though each day is a new adventure. I cannot believe that she is almost 2...2, wow. Does not seem like that long ago we were rushing to the hospital (after I pleaded that we were not going...because I was not ready). Our newest adventure is Potty Training. Lots of fun there. The thought of public restrooms is enough to freak me out.....throw a 22 month old in the mix, and boy do you have trouble. The other day after swimming lessons, Alex had to go potty. This involved an arsenal of TP laid out perfectly so that she did not touch anything (seem a bit excessive....maybe, but we are in a gym locker room....yuck!!). Alex wanted to touch everything....I kept saying "Don't touch, stop, don't touch that". Well, i apparently said it enough to make a woman start laughing at me. was quite an experience. Here is a photo of her first official poop in the the comfort of her own home :) 

My hubby is still attending OSU and is finishing his engineering degree. Things are going well for him (Dean's list) and I am very proud. It takes a lot out of him to be gone so much but he still does so much for our family and I am thankful for that. Work is still going well for me....too busy but that means job security so I cannot complain. My gym/fitness routine is getting back to where it used to be....and that makes me feel better all around, mentally and physically. Hope to run another half this year and break 2 hours.
So...I will get better at this blogging thing. Now...back to work...